At the end of the day you have this incredible tasty drink. This is also to be mixed with still water, you can drink it when the sizzling has stopped.
Do you want a fully funcional stomach?
Do you want to have more energy?
Do you want to have better sleep?
Do you want to have even better results from your training?How well do you allow yoursef to be?
Why not give yourself the chance to be as free of disturbing symptoms as possible?Do I dare to claim that FitLine is the best supplement in the World?
With the companys world wide patent of the NTC technique, which guarantees an uptake on cellular level with as much as 95-98% within 5-12 minutes, I think I honestly can answer "yes" to that question.Why did I start drinking FitLine?
I have been working with different supplement companies in about 40 years and the products I was working with at the time were about to leave Sweden, so I had to find something else.
Just when I started my search a friend of mine suggested that I should try something called FitLine and was originated from Germany, and, I new since loooong time ago that Germany together with Switzerland was the world leader in the supplement branch.
So, I started drinking FitLine in September 2008.In all years I've used different supplements nothing revolutionary happened with my health more than I very seldom got sick in anything, which of course was positive. When I finally was sick with something it passed extremely quick, for instance we had a flu in Sweden one year that made people sick in 14-28 days, I got that flu and I was bed bound for about three (3) days!
Fact is that I actually didn't notice anything at all. It was the first products that was tasty though so there was certainly no probem getting up in the morning to drink this fantastic morning drink, just as it was as easy to drink the evening potion. Both so tasty I really longed for them.
In April/May 2009 I noticed a difference.
It was a HUGE one! For the first time since my teens I was NO MORE allergic to birch pollen. WHAT!?!?!?? HEY!!!! What has happened?!??? I should have sneezed my head off to the point of fainting as I used to.
Now I have learned that allergies, headache and skin problems are due to a leaking gut system. I really didn't now that that could be the reason and that I had this malfunctioning gut system. I have also learned that, thanks to the morning drink, my body could get the energy to heal my system and that I therefore got rid of my allergies.
The year after, in fall, I suddenly realized that I ... well ... I have done the lawn during the summer and that I hadn't sneezed ONCE!!! Yippiiiii
In time all my pollen allergies, food allergies, eczema and asthma disappeared, all thanks to my body getting this nutrition which is the most easily absorbed in the world.
Everything is water solulable and impossible to overdose, the body absorbes what it needs and the rest will land in the toilet. The uptake is as large as 95-98% within 5-12 minuter .... yep, it actually says "minutes" and not hours, which is how everything else that we ingests takes to get to the cellular level.
FitLine does nothing ... did you get that?!
FitLine is pure nourishment in a form that your body can absorb within "no time at all" which becoms an important help to your self-healing system, that is, your own self-healing system gets necessary power to restart, so, what happens in your body when it gets enough nourishment thanks to FitLine, is that it starts working towards health which we perceive as getting rid of physical/mental problems and/or deseases.
Well, yeah, this was what happened in MY body.
How much would it be worth for YOU to reduce or get rid of YOUR problems?On the other hand, maybe you don't have any problems today AND WANT TO CONTINUE in the same state of health?
How long does it take?
Unfortunately you can't predict how long it will take for you to notice any changes. In my case it took somewhat 8-9 months when my younger brother noticed a significant differens within three days.We are changing about 50 million cells every second, and as we have about 70.000 billion cells it takes a while to change them all so that we successively can feel the improvement.
We are individuals with different background, genes and conditions so there aren't two bodies on this planet with the same initial state. If you've had a problem in 10-30 years or longer it won't dissapear in a few months, it doesn't matter how badly we want it to happen.
Maybe it even takes three months to wake up your self-healing system!
And yes, during that time you can even get more tired than usual and also experience a first deterioration, this because your body is actually working with something it didn't have energy nor material to do earlier.Please notice that it is a positive thing that you are tired, yes it's a paradox, but anyhow, it actually means that your body is starting to heal, your body is functioning!
Contact me for more information and what to do to get minimum 20% discount on the entire range.
Welcome to contact me whenever you want to know more, and off course I will help you get going ... and d'you know what .... coaching is included.
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